ICNMC seeks to improve customer services

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The Information Systems Wing's Information and Communications Network Management Centre (ICNMC) with hotline 2860-3444 provides a one-stop round-the-clock service for the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) system and equipment in the Force.

With the advance of technology and the mission to meet customers' expectations of and demands for services in ICT systems and equipment, ICNMC staff should have a good grasp of technology and constantly improve customer services. Therefore, ICNMC teams which comprise Police Telecommunications Inspectors and Assistant Police Telecommunications Inspectors, have participated in Service Quality Wing's Police Staff Motivation Scheme (PSMS) with the objectives to:

* heighten awareness of achieving performance pledge;

* promote customer service culture and improve customer service skills;

* foster a sense of belonging among staff;

* motivate staff to improve performances and service quality, and

* bolster efficiency and productivity.

The shift teams have submitted different suggestions for the motivation scheme. After scoring given by the management, the winning teams received awards and prizes from Chief Police Telecommunications Engineer Jolly Wong on June 10.

Details of the winning teams and awards and prizes are as follows:

The ICNMC Group Leader Team, comprising Mr Hsu Tung-fai, Mr Li Hon-man, Mr Leung Sheung-ming and Ms Cheung Siu-yee as members, clinched the 1st prize.

The team's suggestion is: "Discuss and develop a scoring ratio to assess each ICNMC shift team and agent and post performance statistics on the Billboard for improving and motivating staff morale and team spirit".

The 2nd prize went to ICNMC Team 1 comprising Mr Mok King-to, Mr Wong Kwok-wah, Mr Cheng Chung-yee and Mr Ho Fuk-wah.

Its suggestion is: "Hold a monthly team-briefing day to exchange experiences on Problem Reports handling and strengthen co-operation among shift teams".

ICNMC Team 2 comprising Mr Suen Hoi-kwan, Mr Ho Kam-yuen, Mr Yuen Hon-ying and Mr Lau Ka-hung, took the 3rd prize with the suggestion: "Visit frontline officers to understand their difficulties in ICT applications".

The winning ICNMC teams proudly display their award certificates

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