NTN enhances capability to gather intelligence

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With a view to promoting the Force's Strategic Direction on "Strengthening Criminal Intelligence Gathering Force-wide" and translating the Commissioner and the New Territories North's Operational Priorities into actions, New Territories North (NTN) Regional Commander Cheung Siu-wah has placed "Enhancing capabilities in Criminal Intelligence Gathering" high on the agenda of the Regional Strategic Action Plan.

At the same time, NTN Senior Superintendent (Crime) Kong Sai-cheong has planned a series of programmes to boost frontline officers' ability to gather intelligence.

This project, implemented by NTN Regional Intelligence Unit (RIU) under the leadership of SSP Kong, has had the full support of the regional management. The focus is on two main areas, namely, "training" and "practical application". As the first of a series of training, a workshop for frontline officers on "Basic Training on Informer Handling", featuring experienced informer handlers from Criminal Intelligence Bureau as speakers, was held on May 30 at NTN RHQ for over 150 officers. Other initiatives under the project are in the pipeline.

Structural training for officers

To cater for the operational needs of officers at different levels, a two-tier training on informer handling will be introduced. The first level will focus on basic training for frontline officers who will have to deal with potential informers from time to time in the course of their duties. The purpose of the training is to equip them with basic skills and knowledge required for general and simple scenarios in relation to informer handling.

The second level is intermediate training for officers, including supervisors at inspectorate rank, who by nature of their job are required to deal with informers day in day out in the course of their duties, such as DSDS and RATU/DATS officers. The training will adopt the mode of experience sharing and case studies where best practices in informer handling will be introduced. The purpose is to enhance professionalism of officers working in this field, with emphasis on certain key topics such as risk-assessment, informer protection, effective tasking, intelligence analysis and legal issues.

Hotlines and mentorship scheme

Apart from establishing a hotline for enquiries on the procedures and guidelines of informer handling, RIU NTN is also forming a voluntary support group by recruiting experienced informer handlers and supervising officers from various formations in NTN Region as mentors to help coach greener officers, and to instill confidence in them in gathering intelligence and handling informers.

Overwhelming response to workshop

The workshop on "Basic Training on Informer Handling" held on May 30, saw an overwhelming response. In his opening speech, NTN Deputy Regional Commander Peter Hunt highlighted the importance of intelligence gathering in modern policing, and quoted Director of Crime and Security Lee Ka-chiu as saying that "a detective is not an all-rounder if he has no informer" in a bid to encourage officers to "buy-in" to the concept of intelligence led policing.

At the experience sharing session, Chief Inspector Ryan Wong of CIB and his experienced informer handlers gave a very informative and interesting presentation on topics like informer handling techniques, do's and don'ts, Force's guidelines and documentation procedures.

RC joins discussion

Mr Cheung joined discussions during the day and reiterated that "Strengthening Intelligence Capability" is an important strategy of the Force and NTN for the way forward. He encouraged officers to integrate intelligence tasks into their routine policing duties and to create a safer community with concerted efforts.

Promote intelligence capability

Also attending the workshop were ADC Crimes and DOOs from various districts in NTN, who took the lead to encourage active participation in the forum. The questionnaires collected afterwards clearly indicated that the workshop was very well received and that all participants showed a great interest in the programmes to come. Over 90 per cent of the participants thought that the workshop had enhanced their understanding of informer handling and clarified their doubts. They also had become more confident in taking part in intelligence tasks. In addition, about 80 per cent were interested in receiving further training, and all officers with experience of handling informers were eager to provide coaching to green handlers. Officers in NTN are determined to work hand-in-hand to push forward the Regional Strategic Action Plan on "Strengthening Criminal Intelligence Gathering Capability".

RC NTN Cheung Siu-wah joins discussion at the Informer Management Workshop

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