Recruitment Day eyes the best

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The "Police Recruitment Day" will be launched at the Police Headquarters between 10 am and 4 pm on Saturday, July 5. This annual recruitment campaign aims at seizing the best timing for recruiting talents to join the Force.

The event is open to all high calibre personnel, particularly fresh graduates from universities, as well as those of high diploma courses, Form Seven and Form Five. The Recruitment Division will provide a one-stop service to those who are interested in pursuing a police career. Through the advance e-registration on the Police Recruitment Homepage, applicants can book for initial qualification assessment and group interview at different time slots on the Recruitment Day.

Meanwhile, parties may attend career talks at four different sessions in the PHQ Auditorium, where recruitment staff will answer queries on police work.

Force members are urged to support this recruitment exercise by spreading news of the event and encouraging family members and friends to join the Recruitment Day.

For enquiries: Email, Recruitment General Hotline 2860-2860, Recruitment Day 2008 Enquiry Hotline: 2860-2859 and Police Recruitment Homepage at


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