Forty good citizens commended for helping Police fight crime

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Forty citizens were commended at the Good Citizen Award (GCA) Presentation Ceremony on June 19 for helping the Police fight crime.

With the help of these awardees, 33 men and seven women, more than 30 law-breakers were arrested for offences including theft, burglary, robbery, possession of dangerous drugs, careless driving and indecent assault. Each awardee received a certificate and a cheque for $2,000 at the ceremony.

The presentation ceremony is organised twice a year by the Police Public Relations Branch with sponsorship from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC).

One of the awardees, Mr Lau Chun-yu, helped the Police arrest a pickpocket.

While walking along a footbridge in Ngau Tau Kok on October 14, 2007, a woman found that a man was pulling the phone strap hanging outside the pocket of her trousers and trying to take out her mobile phone. Alerted by the woman's hue and cry, Mr Lau, who was passing by, chased and intercepted the man. The suspect was eventually sentenced to 20 months' imprisonment upon conviction of attempted theft.

Another award recipient, Ms Lam Po-ling, succeeded in thwarting a deception case.

On December 12 last year, an elderly lady received a phone call asking her to repay a debt of $80,000 for her son. She then withdrew the money from the bank with the help of a teller Ms Lam. The woman's husband subsequently realised that it was a deception. After he had contacted the bank, Ms Lam went to the woman's home and was just in time to stop her from going out to hand over the money to the culprit.

At the ceremony, Director of Operations Koo Sii-hong praised the awardees for their courage, vigilance and spontaneity. They joined hands with the Police to fight crime. They also showed the spirit of helping each other.

Other officiating guests included the General Committee Member of HKGCC, Mr Stanley Hui; and a member of the Fight Crime Committee, Mr Edgar Kwan Chi-ping.

Mr Hui said that more than 3,400 people had received Good Citizen Awards since the scheme was launched in 1973. He hoped that the joint efforts of the Police and the public in the fight against crime would continue.

Before the presentation ceremony, a new TV Announcement in the Public Interest (API), "Safeguard Your Possessions", was premiered to launch the Fight Crime Publicity Campaign 2008-09.

The TV API, in Cantonese and English versions, calls on the public to safeguard their property against pickpockets in crowded places.

The TV API and a corresponding radio API in Cantonese, Putonghua and English versions are being broadcast on local TV and radio stations. The campaign also comes with posters and outdoor advertisement.

The Fight Crime Publicity Campaign is planned and implemented by the Fight Crime Committee Publicity Sub-Committee comprising representatives from the Security Bureau, Police, Information Services Department, Social Welfare Department, Home Affairs Department and District Fight Crime Committees.

Mr Koo, Mr Hui (right) and Mr Kwan kick off the Fight Crime Publicity Campaign 2008/09, calling on the public to be wary of pickpocketing

The officiating guests with the good citizens

Directorate grade officers turn out in force to support the Fight Crime Publicity Campaign

The TV API for 2008-09 is premiered

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