PMP 2007/08 ends on a high note |
Following a visit to Police Tactical Unit (PTU) Headquarters by Police Mentees on June 13, a closing ceremony was held at the PTU Officers' Mess to mark the successful conclusion of the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) 2007/08. Assistant Commissioner (Personnel) Tang Kam-moon and New Territories North Regional Commander Cheung Siu-wah, who is the Head Mentor of the PMP, officiated at the closing ceremony. The ceremony began with Mr Tang thanking PTU HQ for organising the visit for the Mentees and making the Officers' Mess available for the ceremony. In particular, he expressed his gratitude to Mr Cheung for his dedication and contribution to the PMP all these years. Mr Cheung is retiring as Head Mentor. Mr Tang encouraged Mentees to work hard and strive for achievements as they transit to another stage of life. He also introduced the new Head Mentor, Mr Harry Chung, and the Deputy Head Mentor, Mr Alfred Chow. In his speech, Mr Cheung thanked all Mentors for devoting time and efforts to the PMP, without which, he noted, the PMP would not have been so successful. He also spoke highly of Mentees' dedication to and participation in the PMP, and wished them a bright future as they embark on new careers upon graduation from universities. As a token of their appreciation, Mentee representatives presented a uniquely designed portrait to their retiring Head Mentor, which comprises numerous tiny photographs of PMP activities that highlighted the many unforgettable moments in the past four years. The ceremony continued with a slideshow and notes of thanks by three Mentees to their Mentors. Later at a reception party, some mentees stayed until the very end of the ceremony, reminiscing with their mentors the many interesting events they took part in the past year.
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