Force forms working group on electioneering activities

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To prepare for the 2008 Legislative Council (LegCo) Election in September, a Force Working Group on Electioneering Activities has been formed. Sitting on the Working Group are Hong Kong Island Regional Commander Hung Hak-wai as Chairman and representatives from the six Regions, Support Wing, Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, Registration and Electoral Office and Home Affairs Department as members.

The objective of the Working Group is to formulate a policing strategy and a set of guidelines for the police to handle election-related incidents and complaints during the coming LegCo Election.

The Force Guidelines, which were promulgated in July, are scenario-based and will provide frontline officers with a practical guidance for handling election-related incidents and complaints.

It must be stressed that the Force will adopt a policy of zero tolerance towards any acts of violence during the election period and any such behaviour will be dealt with in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. The guiding principles for handling incidents are "prevention", "early intervention" and "consistent approach".

It is important for officers attending the scene to exercise professional judgment in determining the most appropriate actions. If necessary, a supervisory officer should also attend the scene to ensure that appropriate actions will be taken. Officers should also be patient and understanding, and act fairly and impartially when dealing with election candidates and their agents or electioneers, as well as the public.

On July 9, frontline commanders and Police Community Relations Officers attended a briefing in the PHQ Auditorium. More information on the coming election will be uploaded on POINT (What's New). This month, the "Police Magazine" and "Police Report" are outlining the Force's roles in the LegCo Election and enlist public co-operation and support for the election.

Acting Hong Kong Island Deputy Regional Commander Cheung Tak-keung speaking at a briefing session on the 2008 Legislative Council Election

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