Force signs MOU for improving emergency response

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The Force signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Customs and Excise Department, Department of Health and Auxiliary Medical Service on July 25 in respect of the Unified Digital Communication Platform (UDCP) Project. The signing signifies the official operation of the UDCP and marks a major step towards the goal of promoting cross-departmental collaboration and utilising shared information and technological resources.

The UDCP is an interoperable radio platform built on the Force's Third Generation Command and Control Communications Systems (CC3) for use by other government departments or non-governmental organisations involved in disaster or emergency services. This arrangement is aimed at improving response to emergencies, rescue operations and disaster management.

The policy support followed the Force's endorsement of opening up the CC3 as UDCP in December 2006, after its full rollout and optimisation to all Regions. The Information Services Wing has given live demonstrations and presentations of UDCP to Security Bureau and all search and rescue departments. The departments hold the view that the UDCP can facilitate a fast and effective response to emergencies and major incidents.

A "user-pays" principle has been designed for the UDCP project, whereby user departments will bear all related non-recurrent and recurrent costs in joining the UDCP. User departments have their own exclusive sections of the platform for daily operations with absolute security. During an emergency situation, inter-departmental talk groups can be activated to facilitate inter-operability among various departments, rescue parties and centralised command of communications as well as control of deployment of resources.

After signing the MOU on behalf of the Force with the first batch of joining departments, Assistant Commissioner (Operations) Suen Kwai-leung said the UDCP would no doubt further enhance the operational efficiency in communication among user departments when they were dealing with natural disasters, serious accidents and terrorist threats.

Meanwhile, the Civil Aid Service, Correctional Services Department and Fire Services Department have appointed the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department as technical agent to study the feasibility of joining the UDCP.

Within the Force, it has been planned to extend UDCP radio coverage to the Hong Kong International Airport, Mass Transit Railway Corporation (for current and future lines), and strategic locations required by the Force with comprehensive indoor coverage, such as shopping arcades, community centres and high-risk premises.

The signing of the MOU represents a contribution to the Force's Strategic Action Plan, Strategic Direction No. 4 --- Supporting Frontline Units and it also supports Key Project No. 6 --- Information and Communications Technology, enhancing frontline units' overall efficiency and effectiveness in maintaining the safety and stability of Hong Kong.

The MOU marks a major step towards promoting cross-departmental collaboration and sharing information and technological resources

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