Ninety-two police children get scholarships

4 Photos

The academic performance of police children have further improved this year with a record number of 92 students being awarded scholarships, said Commissioner Tang King-shing at the 2007/08 Scholarship Award Ceremony of the Police Children's Education Trust and Police Education and Welfare Trust on July 15.

Officiating at the ceremony were also the Chairman of the Joint Management Committees, Mr Victor Li, and the Chairman of the Joint Investment Advisory Boards, Mr Jacob Tsang.

As the trustee of the two education trusts, Mr Tang pointed out that it has been 41 years since the trusts were established. At the beginning, the trusts only provided grants and bursaries for police children to pursue further studies, but with the continuous developments over the years, the trusts have set up scholarship schemes, enabling thousands of police children to develop their academic potentials.

"I sincerely congratulate all the scholarship winners and hope they would make good use of the scholarship to achieve better performance in the coming year," he said.

Mr Tang took the opportunity to extend his heartfelt gratitude to Mr Li, Mr Tsang, and members of the committees.

"It's your excellent management and arrangements that have optimised resources of the trusts," he noted.

CP also expressed his sincere thanks to all the donors from the community. "Your supports mean so much to us because they, on one hand, confirm your recognition of the trusts as our great commitment to and concern for the education of our next generation, and, on the other hand, reflect your support to the Force. In addition, the generous contributions made by members of the Force further manifest the commitment of the Force to promoting a caring culture and team spirit that are the Force's fine tradition," he said.

Mr Victor Li, Chairman of the Joint Management Committees, speaking at the scholarship award ceremony

A total of 92 students have been awarded scholarships

Commissioner Tang King-shing discloses that police children have further improved their academic performance

Mr Jacob Tsang, Chairman of the Joint Investment Advisory Boards, presenting an award

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