Contents Highlights

Force members receive awards in Government House


At the 2008 Honours and Awards Ceremony held in Government House on October 25, the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, presented honours and awards to 253 recipients, including about 30 serving and retired members of the Force.

Heading the list of police recipients is former Deputy Commissioner Fung Siu-yuen, who was presented with the Silver Bauhinia Star. Director of Crime and Security Lee Ka-chiu was presented with the Police Medal for Distinguished Service, and Police Constable Cheung Wah-yuk with the Medal for Bravery (Bronze).

Among the other recipients, 23 were awarded with the Police Medal for Meritorious Service, one with the Medal for Honour, and four with the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government Service.

The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, with Mrs Tsang, CP, and some of the police recipients

Former DCP Fung Siu-yuen receives the Silver Bauhinia Star

CE, Mr Donald Tsang, presents the Police Medal for Distinguished Service to DC & S Lee Ka-chiu

PC Cheung Wah-yuk receives the Medal for Bravery (Bronze)

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2860-6171
Reporters: Herman Fong: 2860-6172
Tony Au Yeung: 2860-6173
Photographers: Almon Suen: 2860-6174
Jason Chu: 2860-6175
Fax: 2200-4309
Address: 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters,
No.1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Deadline for next edition: November 4, 2008

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