Nigerian community compliments officers

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The Nigerian proprietor of a garment trading company in Sham Shui Po has presented a souvenir to officers of the Kowloon West Regional Crime Unit (KW RCU) for cracking a major robbery in a matter of 24 hours.

The robbery occurred on the afternoon of October 31 this year when two Nigerian culprits wielding a fake pistol and a sharp knife burst into the company situated in Sham Shui Po, tied up two victims, and made off with more than US$160,000 and some other items of property. The victims later untied themselves and made a report to the police.

Kowloon West Regional Crime Unit officers immediately swung into action and, within 24 hours, apprehended the robbers and recovered nearly all of the money and the property involved in the robbery. When the officers were looking for the culprits, the Nigeria Regional Community Groups in Hong Kong offered information and assistance.

In appreciation of the officers' prompt action and protection of the African nationals in Hong Kong, a senior staff member of the company called at Kowloon West Regional Headquarters on November 19 and presented a souvenir to the RCU officers.

Among the officers present at the souvenir presentation were Kowloon West Regional Commander Tang How-kong, Sham Shui Po Acting District Commander Paul Stripp, Senior Superintendent (Crime) Kowloon West Leung Ka-ming, and KW RCU Chief Inspector Li Chi-chung.

Also present were the consul general and three consuls of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Chairman of the Nigerian (IGBO) Union Hong Kong, Secretary General of African Ethnic Minority Organisation, and other Nigerian ethnic groups.

KW RCU officers with their Nigerian guests

  • English version only

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