Sergeants qualify for shooting competition

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At the Hong Kong Annual Shooting Championships held in November, Station Sergeant Lau Tung-yuk shot 557 and Sergeant Lee Siu-wah got 556 in the Men's 25M Rapid Firing Events, both qualifying for representing Hong Kong at the South East Asia Shooting Competitions to be held in Thailand in August next year.

"Practising more for Standard Pistol event has enhanced the muscle skill to manage the speed shoot in rapid firing. As five shots in four seconds at 25M distance is the key to determining whether a shooter could achieve a good stage score, I've practised for more than half a year for engaging with the first shot within 1.5 seconds," said SSGT Lau.

"Now the rapid firing team has more qualified shooters. We will continue to practise and also go for the All China Games next year," said SGT Lee. Commenting on the two officers' performances, Police Shooting Club Chairman Fan Sik-ming said: "The Hong Kong Police Shooting Club is very proud of the achievements of the two shooters. In particular, the scores achieved by SSGT Lau are most encouraging to our new breed of shooters. Besides being a keen shooter, SSGT Lau, who is also an arms instructor, has also made a lot of contributions to the club in training new shooters. I would like to congratulate the two officers on their outstanding achievements."

SSTG Lau Tung-yuk (right) and SGT Lee Siu-wah are pleased that more young police officers are taking up Olympic-type shooting

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