Results of contests out

1 Photo

In the face of the global economic crisis, the Force Working Group on the Prevention and Management of Police Indebtedness (WGPMPI) has formulated a series of care and support activities to minimise the negative impact of the global financial crisis on Force members. The Poster Design and Creative Slogan Competitions on Financial Prudence, administered under the Police Staff Motivation Scheme, are part of these activities to raise Force members' awareness and reinforce the concept and culture of "Smart Personal Financial Management".

The competitions received enthusiastic participation and a total of 215 slogans and 30 posters from a wide array of officers ranging from Constable to Chief Inspector as well as civilian officers. All entries were of a high quality, fully demonstrating the creativity and artistic talents of all participants. Most important of all, they convey clear and sharp messages on the importance of financial prudence.

An adjudicating panel was formed under the chairmanship of Chief Superintendent Personnel Services and Staff Relations Wendy Choi Wong Fung-yee, comprising 16 members from the WGPMPI to select the most outstanding three entries for the two competitions.

All winning entries will be circulated for Force-wide display in different Formations. The winners of the competitions are :


Champion: PC Yik Yiu-wai of CRB

1st Runner-up: TFSU CWDIV (group entry)

2nd Runner-up: WPC Tong Ka-man of CIB


Champion: SSGT Leung Chi-wai of TFSU CWDIV

1st Runner-up: PC Chan Wing-kay of TFSU TSDIV

2nd Runner-up: PC Poon Kim-kiu and WPC Chu Wai-han, both from SDS STDIST

The Winning Poster

  • English version only

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