Seminar prepares officers |
In face of rising public expectations for licensing service, the Police Licensing Office has improved service quality by raising the efficiency of processing applications and by adopting a more open and rational approach to daily licensing work. While the Office maintains the integrity of the licensing system and policy, it relies on the frontline officers to enforce the relevant legislation. Therefore, the Office held the Police Licensing Seminar 2009 at Police Headquarters on February 12, in support of the Force Strategic Direction of "Supporting Frontline Units". The seminar aimed at enhancing communication between the Office and frontline officers and commanders, as well as updating officers on the latest licensing regime. About 200 officers from various formations attended the seminar to discuss issues concerning a variety of licences. At the invitation of the Office, guest speakers from the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority gave a presentation on Amusements With Prizes Licences and Amusement Game Centre Licences. After outlining the Office's vision and mission, as well as a scanning recap of the licensing environment, Superintendent (Licensing) Eric Cheng said the major challenge for the Office was to maintain a balance between regulating and facilitating business. He stressed: "The licensing system should operate in such a way that public interests are protected while the system facilitates business activities." The seminar has, to a great extent, updated the audience on the licensing policy and the roles of the Office, besides improving communication between the Office and frontline officers. With these benefits, the licensing policy would be carried out more effectively.
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