JPC Leaders savour Disneyland experience |
Twenty members of the Lantau District Junior Police Call (JPC) Leader Corps took a look at how the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort greeted and interacted with their guests on February 22, under a joint programme between the Hong Kong Disneyland and Lantau District. The JPC Leaders were participating in Lantau District's support programme for local youth. This experiential learning programme lasted for two days. On the first day, Lantau District Police volunteers provided classroom training, while Hong Kong Disneyland security officers offered practical experiential training on the second day. After Mr Joseph Yip, Director of Security of Hong Kong Disneyland, kicked off the practical experiential session, the JPC Leaders teamed up with Hong Kong Disneyland's frontline security officers to work at counters. They also took part in a "Disney on Parade", gaining a unique experience during Hong Kong Disneyland's first parade with an outsider. The session concluded with a closing ceremony, in which New Territories South Regional Commander Tse Shu-chun, Lantau District Commander Edwina Lau, and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort Managing Director, Mr Andrew Kam, presented certificates of attendance to the JPC Leaders. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr Tse said: "The Force has a long history of organising JPC activities with local partners. Today's collaboration is a milestone that underlines the success of the concerted efforts between the Force and local corporations in grooming our youth. The Force will continue to strengthen co-operation and partnership with community organisations. We hope that by doing this, we will enhance our youth activities and create a safe and harmonious community." In response, Mr Kam said: "Hong Kong Disneyland is grateful to have the chance to support JPC by organising this meaningful learning programme, and to introduce to the JPC Leaders guest flow management and the procedures of admitting and greeting our guests. JPC is a renowned local youth uniform group, and Hong Kong Disneyland Resort is committed to this type of training for local young people to help them grow up in a healthy and positive way. We are encouraged by the success of this activity and hope to work with JPC in the future."
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