PC wins Transport Department commendation |
Police Constable Mak Tin-wai from Sha Tin District has won a Certificate of Commendation from Transport Department for a suggestion he made to the Police Staff Suggestions Scheme in 2006. Sha Tin District Commander Ng Kam-wing recently presented the certificate to PC Mak on behalf of the Chairman of the Transport Department Staff Suggestions Committee. PC Mak's suggestion was based on his observation that there were no directional signs to help westbound traffic on Cheung Tung Road to find the exit to Siu Ho Wan Vehicle Pound. To help motorists, he submitted to the Police Staff Suggestions Scheme a suggestion that a suitable sign should be erected. As the suggestion was outside the jurisdiction of the Force, it was referred, via Civil Service Bureau, to Transport Department for consideration. The department subsequently accepted and carried out the suggestion under its Departmental Staff Suggestions Scheme.
Sha Tin District Commander Ng Kam-wing presenting the Certificate of Commendation from Transport Department to Police Constable Mak Tin-wai
PC Mak is pleased that his suggestion to put up a directional sign has been adopted |
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