Psychometric test on the way
for recruitment selection

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The Commissioner announced earlier at a news conference that psychometric test will be implemented on all recruits to ensure that resilient and psychologically effective applicants with a high standard of integrity are recruited as police officers.

To find out more about this project, OffBeat has spoken to Chief Superintendent (Human Resources) Alfred Chau, who chairs the Force Working Group on Psychometric Test; Mr Eddie Li, Senior Police Clinical Psychologist, and Dr Edmond Lau, Police Clinical Psychologist.

Mr Chau heads the Human Resources Branch that oversees all recruitment related matters. According to him, introducing psychometric test into the current mechanism will enhance recruitment selection. He stressed that it is essential to recruit applicants with the right competence, psychological qualities and personal values in order to maintain a stable and effective police service in Hong Kong. Applicants should be committed to serving the community, and be able to adapt to a disciplined regime that requires a high level of conscientiousness, and their personal values should align with Force Values. They should also have the ability to take up the challenge of police work and cope with the stress arising from increasing public demands.

Overseas experience

Mr Li pointed out that the Force has been, for several years, looking into overseas experiences of using psychometric test in police recruitment. Overseas experiences have shown that the test is useful in providing additional information on the psychological qualities of applicants, such as emotional stability, personality functioning and cognitive abilities.

Mr Li said that while psychometric test is useful as an additional source of information for selecting suitable applicants, it is not meant for detecting mental health problems or the likelihood of a person developing such problems in the future. Since 1999, the psychometric test has been used to assist in selection of officers for certain specialist cadres like Special Duties Unit, Police Negotiation Cadre and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Cadre. The test results have been well received throughout the years.

Officers' support for System Calibration

Dr Lau then introduced the use of psychometric test in recruitment. The test will be introduced through a Personality and Cognitive Evaluation Programme (PerCEP) that comprises (1) system calibration during which a norm is collected from a randomly selected sample of police officers; (2) implementation of the test in recruitment process, and (3) review of effectiveness of the programme on a continuous basis.

A PerCEP Centre will be set up on the Aberdeen Campus of the Police College to run the programme, deploying a team comprising two Police Clinical Psychologists, one Statistical Officer and three Assistant Clerical Officers.

Dr Lau appealed for officers' support for the System Calibration phase during which a stratified sample of around 1,500 serving police officers will be involved in the norm collection exercise. He stressed that all the data collected will be treated strictly confidential and will be used for system calibration only. Recruitment advertisements for the PerCEP officers were published in February and it is expected that the system calibration phase will commence in mid-2009 and full implementation of the programme in April next year.

On the major benefits of introducing psychometric test into the recruitment process, all three of them perceive that the test will improve police service by recruiting candidates with both the right competence and appropriate psychological abilities; reduce wastage by recruiting those with personality traits that reflect Force Values and the ability to adapt to the Force's discipline culture, and further enhance the positive image of the Force.

For more details of the PerCEP, officers are welcome to contact Dr Lau at 2866-1561 or email

Members of the Force Working Group on Psychometric Test, (from right) SSP Ellen Li, CSP Alfred Chau, SPCP Eddie Li, PCP Dr Edmond Lau, SP Jerry Li and SP Patrick Kwok

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