Border District promotes | |||
In line with the Force's Strategic Action Plan 2008-2010 and Border District's (BORDIST) Action Strategies, the District's integrity management promotion is being implemented with the first phase targetting junior supervising officers and the second phase for all frontline officers in the District. The focuses of the first phase were awareness and prevention. At the invitation of Training and Staff Relations Office of the Border District, the Community Relations Department of ICAC tailor-made a series of case studies on integrity management for junior supervisors in February and March, giving them a better idea of the risk of corruption, rules of integrity, responsibilities of a supervisor and conflict of interests. Four seminars were held during this phase, attended by a total of over 200 supervisors at the rank of sergeant and above, who found the events useful for their endeavours to help maintain the Force as an honest brigade. Speaking at the first seminar, Border District Commander Leung King-hang stressed: "Supervising officers at all ranks must actively promote the police's roles in fighting corruption, set an example and adopt the attitude of zero tolerance towards any corrupt activity. Honesty is the key to gaining public confidence. Every supervising officer must uphold honesty and righteousness, develop a culture of integrity and set a good example so as to maintain a high standard of ethics for the Force." The second phase of promotion of integrity management takes place on Border District's Training Days, in a bid to disseminate to officers in every division the message of "promoting a corruption-free working environment and nurturing a culture of integrity".
Over 200 supervising officers have heard talks on integrity management
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