Police work in nowadays society is challenging and stressful, and officers try various ways to pursue immediate happiness in order to relieve stress. Happiness not only makes us feel good but also has great benefits to our health and well-being. Empirical evidence tells us that happy people tend to live longer, and happiness can enhance personal growth and development by raising our creativity and productivity.
Nature of happiness
In view of the benefits of happiness, many psychologists in recent years attempted to examine the nature of happiness. Worthy of note, one important founder of positive psychology, Dr Martin Seligmen, said in his book of "Authentic Happiness" that happiness can be experienced in forms of positive emotions associated with the past, present and future. The future-oriented positive emotions include optimism, hope, faith and trust. Those associated with the past involve satisfaction, contentment, fulfillment and serenity. For the present positive emotions, there are momentary pleasures (i.e. positive bodily sensations and other short term excitements) and gratifications that are more long lasting, such as the absorption or flow coming from the engagement in activities utilising our strengths. Therefore, to enhance our happiness, we can create and maximise those opportunities containing the experiences of these positive emotions related to the past, present and future.
Happiness formula
Under the impact of financial tsunami, many people suffered from considerable financial loss, which leads to depression. It is commonly believed that wealth is closely related to one's happiness level. Surprisingly, national studies of life satisfaction and national wealth found that their association is not very high. Not only wealth does not predict lasting happiness, other commonly believed causes, including real income, physical attractiveness, and objective physical health, also do not determine our enduring happiness. This is because we get adapted to positive changes so quickly that they no longer give us happy feelings after a short time.
Dr Seligman introduced a formula for happiness based on research findings that the above-mentioned circumstantial factors only account for eight to 15 per cent of enduring happiness. About half of our enduring happiness is inherited, but the remaining 35 to 40 per cent is determined by our voluntary activities and attitudes. This means we can voluntarily make ourselves lastingly happier even though we do not necessarily change our circumstances.
According to Dr Seligman's suggestions, there are three pathways leading to a good life with authentic happiness: a pleasant life, engaged life and meaningful life. Each of these lifestyles will be discussed in detail in later issues of PsyNet articles.
Seligmen, M. (2002). Authentic Happiness. New York: Free Press.
For advice and help, call Psychological Services Group (5th floor, 111 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay) on
2866-6206. PEN: psg@police.gov.hk (All cases will be kept in strict confidence). |