MTRC accolades for officers |
The Deputy Operations Director of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC), Mr Li Yan-tai, presented complimentary banners to Kowloon East (KE) Regional Commander Blaine Hoggard, Detective Superintendent David Cameron of Crime KE, officers of Regional Crime Unit 3B KE and Railway District at the MTRC Metro Recreation Club on May 19 for combatting illegal activities within the railway system. The officers of Crime KE were complimented for their thorough and painstaking investigation into a series of graffiti cases. Between November 2008 and January 2009, a large number of graffiti cases were reported within the railway system when station platforms and train compartment windows were engraved or sprayed with the word "SHRUB". After a thorough investigation, intelligence gathering, and analysis, RCU officers arrested and charged a man, who subsequently pleaded guilty to 20 counts of criminal damage. Mr Li praised RAILDIST officers for successfully tackling the illegal activities of general merchandising operators at Lo Wu and Sheung Shui Stations. The activities not only breached MTRC By-Laws by evading fares and causing obstructions, but also endangered the safety of MTRC staff, some of whom were assaulted while enforcing the By-laws. To combat these activities, RAILDIST, in partnership with the MTRC, adopted a multi-agency approach to enlist the support of all stakeholders. Thanks to this approach, the situation has improved significantly and all stakeholders are continuing to work closely to eradicate the problem. Mr Li also praised the Force for its high level of professionalism, and for developing a close working relationship with the MTRC in maintaining the safety and security of the railway system in Hong Kong.
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