Crime prevention lunches for the elderly |
By August 15 this year, over 40,000 senior citizens aged between 60 and 80 will have attended a vegetarian lunch over a period of 100 days. Starting on May 8, the Regional Crime Prevention Office of New Territories North publicised messages on phone deception to the senior citizens, who attended this series of lunches, which is expected to end on August 15. Regional Crime Prevention Officer Kwan Woon-man disclosed that while phone deception cases appear to be on the rise, the number of successful cases had dropped, indicating that members of the public have become more aware of phone deception, and that prevention and publicity have paid off. He pointed out that during the lunches in May, his staff organised a total of 36 talks on prevention of phone deception for over 4,000 elderly persons. Various souvenirs were distributed to the audiences to reinforce crime prevention messages. In general, the audiences found the talks very useful and indicated they would share the crime prevention messages with their relatives and friends. In a bid to raise public awareness of phone deception, RCPO NTN will present the latest cases in the form of dramas on the Chinese TV programme, Police Magazine.
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