Fight IT Crime Ambassadors help spread anti-crime messages

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Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) is recruiting members of local uniformed groups as Fight IT Crime Ambassadors to help disseminate anti-crime messages to the public.

To provide the Ambassadors with a better understanding and knowledge of IT crime, CCB conducted a workshop on June 13 for over 350 members of nine uniformed groups - Junior Police Call, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps, Boys' Brigade Hong Kong, Girls' Brigade Hong Kong, Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Hong Kong Road Safety Association, Scout Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps and Hong Kong St John Ambulance. Helping out at the workshop as volunteers were CCB officers and Mentees of the Police Mentorship Programme.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop, CCB Chief Superintendent Chan Yiu-kwok said: "With rapid development, IT nowadays has become part of our daily life. But unfortunately culprits are making use of IT to commit crimes, resulting in an increasing trend of IT-related crimes in Hong Kong.

"Prevention is better than cure. We hope that through education and promotion of anti-crime messages, members of the public will have a better understanding of the serious consequences of IT crimes."

Mr Chan also hoped that the Fight IT Crime Ambassadors would be better equipped for their volunteer jobs after the workshop and would pass on knowledge and help promote deeper understanding of IT crime and information security in the community by organising workshops and talks, and using other channels. With enhanced vigilance, members of the public can join the Police in fighting IT crime.

At the opening ceremony, all the Ambassadors took an oath to pledge assistance for the Police in promoting anti-crime messages.

In conclusion, Mr Chan expressed special thanks to the uniformed groups for their support in making the ambassador programme a success.

Nine local uniformed groups have rallied for CCB's efforts to disseminate anti-IT crime messages to young people

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