CCB cracks money-laundering

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Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) has earned the compliments of the Dutch Rabobank for promptly cracking a money-laundering case and bringing the culprit to justice.

The case came to light in September last year when intelligence revealed that a Dutch man, who was the proprietor of an art products company in the Netherlands, deceived the Dutch Rabobank by producing false sales figures. The man later travelled to Hong Kong, opened a shell company bank account and remitted the crime proceeds amounting to EUR 377,040 (approximately HK$4.1 million) to Hong Kong. Upon receiving a report, CCB officers acted quickly and apprehended the Dutch man when he tried to depart Hong Kong. EUR 100,000 in cash were recovered from him while the remaining amount from the shell company's frozen bank account. The culprit was eventually convicted at the District Court and jailed for two years and four months. The stolen money was returned to the victimised bank.

As a token of appreciation of the investigation team's efforts, representatives of the Dutch Rabobank, Mr Richard Hutchens, Head of Legal and Compliance (North East Asia), and Mr Mark Rogers, Senior Consultant of the Rabobank, came to Hong Kong from the Netherlands to present an appreciation letter to CCB on June 16, which was accepted by Superintendent Chan Sung-shing, Head of A Division.

Both SP Chan and Mr Hutchens asserted that close liaison between CCB and the banking industry would continue with a view to tackling money-laundering cases.

Representatives of the Dutch Rabobank have specially come to Hong Kong to present an appreciation letter to CCB

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