Students reminded of job pitfalls

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By the middle of this month, over 1,300 secondary school students in New Territories North (NTN) Region will have attended a "Summer Job Scam" seminar organised by the NTN Regional Crime Prevention Office (NTN RCPO).

Starting on June 3, NTN RCPO joined hands with the Police Community Relations Offices in NTN and Commercial Crime Bureau (CCB) to conduct five seminars on deception for young students from five schools in NTN between June and July this year, in a bid to make the students more aware of the tricks used by swindlers.

Regional Crime Prevention Officer Boris Kwan pointed out that these deception cases appeared to be on the decrease, indicating that students have become more vigilant of summer job scam, and that prevention and publicity have paid off.

However, he pointed out that some students would look for part-time jobs during their summer holidays in order to gain working experience or earn pocket money. Owing to a lack of working experience, these job seekers could easily fall prey to swindlers and employment traps.

Speakers at the seminars were all experienced crime investigators from CCB, who introduced the latest modus operandi of various types of frauds, including "Pyramid Selling", "Modelling Agency", "Fraudulent Trading" and "Job Deposit". Through case studies, they reminded the audiences of the measures they should take to avoid being victimised.

In general, the students found the speakers' talks very useful and actively took part in a Q&A session. At the end of the seminars, they received souvenirs carrying crime prevention messages, and indicated they would pass on what they had learned from the talks to their families and peers.

The seminar reminds young people of summer job scam

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