Third JPC Anti-drug Day sustains fight against drugs

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The third "JPC Territory-wide Anti-drug Day", featuring a series of publicity and educational events, was held on June 26, demonstrating the sustained efforts of Junior Police Call (JPC) members to fight drug abuse.

With JPC members' active participation in seminars, distribution of publicity leaflets, visits, roving exhibitions and a programme of activities to be organised in the next few weeks, it is hoped that anti-drug messages can be disseminated more effectively to youngsters during the summer vacation.

Sixty JPC members, led by Western District Commander Sham Wai-kin, visited the Drug InfoCentre to get a better understanding of the harmful effects of drug abuse.

They also visited a roving exhibition being held at the InfoCentre until July 12 to appreciate the winning entries to the Large Anti-drug Publicity Board Design Competition organised by Western District last September.

Meanwhile, Border District Commander Leung King-hang, joined by Chairman of the Action Committee Against Narcotics, Prof Daniel Shek Tan-lei, district personnel and JPC leaders, kicked off the "Border District Anti-drug Initiatives" for the summer vacation, at a ceremony held at the Departure Hall of the Lok Ma Chau Border Control Point (BCP).

Under this programme, besides activities like slogan and bookmark design competitions, distribution of leaflets and day camping, counters manned by staff of non-governmental organisations will be set up at BCPs to provide counselling services on drug problems during the summer vacation. At the same time, joint enforcement action with the Customs and Excise Department will be stepped up to combat cross-border drug trafficking.

A Police spokesman said: "We are determined to tackle the problems of drug abuse, and in particular focus on the youth. During the summer vacation, our dual approach of publicity and enforcement will continue to reinforce the anti-drug messages.

"We would like to appeal to all young people to stay away from drugs and make good use of the summer holidays to get better equipped and participate in healthy activities."

Supported by the Beat Drugs Fund and launched last December, the two-year "JPC Territory-wide Anti-drug Day" Campaign aims to reinforce anti-drug education and publicity among youngsters and to raise public awareness of the problems of youth abusing drugs.

Besides anti-drug publicity and education for young people during the present summer vacation, Border District continues taking various measures to combat cross-border drug trafficking

Western District Commander Sham Wai-kin leads a party of 60 JPC members to tour the Drug InfoCentre, where the winning entries to a Large Anti-drug Publicity Board Design Competition are on display

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