Police College invites submissions

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The Police College is inviting submission of academic papers for presentation at the 4th Symposium on Police Studies of the Straits cum Hong Kong and Macao, which will be held in Taipei between December 14 and 16 this year.

Force members may submit papers on the main theme of police collaboration in the Straits cum Hong Kong and Macao to fight crime, as well as on the following sub-themes:

(1) Straits cum HK and Macao Fight Crime Collaborating Strategy and Mechanism;

(2) Straits cum HK and Macao Mutual Criminal and Judicial Assistance Strategy and Legal Framework;

(3) CT Strategy and Regional Safety Infrastructure;

(4) Issues arising from Cross Border Crime, Traffic Safety, Disaster Prevention and Rescue and Relevant Strategies;

(5) Theories and Practices relating to Police Administration, Police Law, Public Safety Management and Community Policing;

(6) Application of Technology in Police Crime Prevention/Detection, and

(7) Other Initiatives on Police Collaboration to Fight Crime in the Straits cum Hong Kong and Macao.

Submissions should be in Chinese and should not exceed 15,000 words. They should reach SFTO LDSC(sfto-ldsc) in the form of soft copy or by PEN before August 25.

The Preparatory Working Group will start reviewing submissions in September to select papers for presentation at the Symposium. The authors of the papers selected will be invited to join the Force delegation to attend the Symposium in December and present his or her paper on stage in Putonghua.

For enquiries, contact A/SP Leung Shun, SP C&A PDLC (Temp) on 2860-2234.

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