YLDIST supports Youth Festival

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The Yuen Long Youth Festival jointly organised by the Yuen Long District Council and the Yuen Long Town Hall to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the "May Fourth Movement" came to a successful conclusion on June 15.

The festival was kicked off on May 3 with a Multi-cultural Show staged by various ethnic minority groups and youth organisations in Tin Shui Wai, with Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-shing, and Commissioner Tang King-shing attending as guests of honour. (Related article was published in OffBeat Issue No. 894.)

On the morning of the day before closure, Yuen Long District (YLDIST) Commander Li Kin-fai officiated at the start of an eight-km Fun Run in Tin Shui Wai. Some 900 runners took part in the run, supporting one of the Youth Festival's themes - "Healthy Life and Sports".

The Youth Festival was very popular with the local residents who showed up in force on the evening of June 15 for the finale at the Yuen Long Theatre - a variety show performed by 11 music and arts award winners from Yuen Long and Tin Shui Wai.

Attending the variety show as a guest of honour, New Territories North Regional Commander Cheung Siu-wah said the Festival had helped foster sense of belonging, community spirit and multi-cultural awareness amongst the youths in Yuen Long.

New Territories North Regional Commander Cheung Siu-wah attends the Yuen Long Youth Festival finale as guest of honour

  • English version only

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