Force golfers retain title

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Twenty-four members of the Hong Kong Police Golfing Society (HKPGS), led by their Chairman, Assistant Commissioner (Information Systems) Ma Wai-luk, competed for the "Ray Anning Plate" and the "Pacific Plate" at the 15th "Triangular Golf Tournament" hosted by the Singapore Police Golfing Society recently.

It was a busy trip for the Force players as they had to travel to three countries within four days - arriving in Singapore on the first day, having their first match in Bintan, Indonesia the following day, second match in Johor, Malaysia the third day, and returning to Hong Kong from Singapore right after.

Despite hot weather and busy schedule, the HKPGS fought hard on both days for the two team championships. Although the first match took place at the Ria Bintan Golf Course, one of the most scenic golf courses in Asia, the Force players were too busy competing for the "Ray Anning Plate" to enjoy the scenic views. They eventually conceded to the Singapore Police team by 11 points under extreme heat.

Competition was equally tough on the second day for the "Pacific Plate" at the Horizon Hills Resort and Golf Course, a recently opened golf course in Johor. The HKPGS, the defending champion, fought vigorously and eventually beat the Singapore Golf Team and the Royal Thai Police Team by eight and 15 points respectively, successfully retaining the title.

While Senior Inspector Lai Chi-hung won the "Overall Individual Championship", the HKPGS also enjoyed the friendship and hospitality of their counterparts in Singapore and Thailand.

Hong Kong Police Golfing Society Chairman, Assistant Commissioner Ma Wai-luk, is pleased that Force golfers not only have retained their "Pacific Plate", but also have won the friendship of their counterparts in Singapore and Thailand

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