CPC issues |
Complaints against police are often related to exercising of police powers. Officers shall make a proper record after exercising any of the powers. To help officers better understand their statutory powers and make proper records, the Complaints Prevention Committee (CPC) has published a pocket size "POWERCARD", which lists the police powers most commonly used. Each officer at the rank of Chief Inspector and below will be issued with a copy of the "POWERCARD". For further information, officers may contact Woman Senior Inspector Ma Yee-ling of Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch. PGO Chapter 44-03 Paragraph 12 stipulates the requirement to record details of police Stop/Question and Stop/Search activities in notebooks, including the statutory powers exercised, whereas PGO Chapter 44-03 Paragraph 13 states that the recording is aimed at providing proper accountability for the actions taken by the police officer concerned, and helping police officers recall the actions they took on a particular occasion. PGO 53-01 Paragraph 6(k) also states that details of the exercise of any police power and adequate basic details to identify the person concerned should be recorded even though no offence is disclosed after exercising of power. |
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