Seminar on coping with adversity |
Mr Lowell Lo, a distinguished professional musician, spoke as a guest speaker at the Psychological Services Group's "Balances and Wisdom" seminar in the PHQ Auditorium on the evening of August 4. Despite inclement weather, about 120 Force members turned up to benefit from Mr Lo's wisdom about life. In face of the adversity in his life, for example, childhood dyslexic problem, setback in his performing career and an unknown illness, Mr Lo said he never gave up and fought through challenges. He encouraged the audience to apply their strength rather than focus on their weakness and become despair. Mr Lo said he realised that "learning from failure is the key to success". In addition, he tried to raise the audience's eco-awareness and healthy living by sharing his knowledge of the environment and health care.
Mr Lo sharing his own personal experiences with the audience |
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