LB enhances understanding
of Mainland policing

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Contacts between the Force and the Mainland have become more frequent over the years. As an initiative to support frontline officers, Liaison Bureau (LB) has devised a strategy to enhance their understanding of policing in the Mainland.

The "Strategy on Enhancing Understanding of Mainland Policing" comprises four areas, namely Research and Analysis, Knowledge Management, Capacity Building and Bilateral Sharing.

(1) Research and Analysis

LB has compiled for reference by officers a paper called "The Roles of Mainland and Hong Kong Police in Mutual Criminal and Legal Assistance"; a paper on "Co-operation between Mainland and Hong Kong Police on Criminal Matters", and a "Protocol Guide" for Mainland reception. All of these documents have been uploaded onto LB's website.

(2) Knowledge Management

LB has summarised the knowledge accumulated from working with their Mainland counterparts over the years, and categorised, collated and uploaded the contents onto the newly revamped LB's website in August this year. Besides transnational and cross-border investigations, handling of fugitives and co-operation with INTERPOL, the website also provides useful and most updated information on provincial and municipal public security authorities, government organisations, and the ranking system in the Mainland.

The liaison units of Guangdong, Macao and the Force have been sharing police knowledge among themselves. After over one year's preparation, the "Electronic Communal Information Sharing Platform" (ECISP) was set up for the three police forces to share police information. ECISP formally came into operation on September 24 after successful testing.

(3) Capacity Building

Since the end of 2008, LB has made "Understanding Mainland Policing" as part of the training curriculum for the Junior/Intermediate/Senior Command Courses, Standard/Advanced Criminal Investigation Courses and various Junior Police Officer (JPO) Promotion Courses.

(4) Bilateral Sharing

LB received a total of 62 delegations from different cities and provinces in the Mainland last year. LB officers have also visited Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Yunnan and different parts of Guangdong. They always share the Force's policing culture with their Mainland counterparts while getting a good understanding of the latest development in Mainland policing.

LB Liaison Division Acting Chief Inspector Angel Lau Hung-yin is the subject officer of the strategy on understanding Mainland policing. She noted: "Facilitating integration with the Mainland is a continuing process. With the help of information technology and on the basis of our established institution, it is hoped that relevant knowledge could be delivered to all frontline officers to enhance their capabilities to work closer with their Mainland counterparts."

Liaison Bureau has explored ways to enhance officers' understanding of Mainland policing

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