Crime Wing thanks strategic partners

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Crime Wing hosted an Annual Liaison Gathering for its strategic partners on September 18. The Friday evening reception was held alfresco at the Ceremonial Area of Police Headquarters with the skyline providing a striking backdrop.

Over 400 guests were present, coming from the business community, academia, other government departments as well as Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies. The Force's top brass were on hand to lend their support and music from the police band contributed to a relaxed evening whilst the guests greeted old friends and made new acquaintances.

In a welcoming speech, Assistant Commissioner (Crime) To Chun-wai said the Force and the guests shared the common goal of maintaining Hong Kong as one of the safest and most stable societies in the world. Highlighting the excellent support provided for Crime Wing, he noted: "The work we do together not only protects the safety and security of our citizens but also ensures that Hong Kong never becomes a safe haven for criminals."

Acting Commissioner Yam Tat-wing and senior officers also joined Mr To in thanking the guests for their continued support.

The 6th Liaison Gathering is part of the Force's ongoing strategy to strengthen relations with strategic partners.

Assistant Commissioner (Crime) To Chun-wai welcomes his guests and shares his experience with overseas law enforcement officers

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