Police Magazine Poster Design
Competition a big success

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Since 1973, Police Magazine has been advising the audience on the latest crime trend and offering crime prevention tips. It also forges Police-public co-operation in fighting crime.

Through Police Magazine, members of the public would be able to understand better the work of the different police formations and units, as well as their latest developments.

To engage the community and disseminate crime prevention messages, RTHK and Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) initiated the Police Magazine Poster Design Competition in August. The competition drew a good response from the public, receiving over 250 poster designs. The designs are of such a quality that it took a panel of judges a long time to pick 10 winners.

To mark the successful conclusion of the competition, RTHK and PPRB jointly held the "Police Magazine Poster Design Competition Award Presentation Ceremony" at the World Trade Centre in Causeway Bay on October 23. Deputy Commissioner (Operations) Yam Tat-wing, Acting Assistant Director for Broadcasting (TV Division), Mr Sze Wing-yuen, and popular singers Hins Cheung and Keeva Mak were present as officiating guests. Hins and Keeva also took part in a case-reconstruction drama, which demonstrated the collaboration between good citizens and the Police.

The ceremony attracted a lot of public attention and wide media coverage.

The winning poster designs will be used to promote Police Magazine, and all other entries will be uploaded to Police Public Page at www.police.gov.hk/policemagazine for public appreciation. To share the good work of the entrants, PPRB will exhibit their poster designs at various shopping malls.

Police Magazine upcoming highlights

Following "CCB Corporate Governance Series", Police Magazine is going to launch "SBDIV Feature", "JPC 35th Anniversary Special Feature"and the brand new "SDU Feature". To learn more about the Force, please stay tuned with Police Magazine!

Police Magazine is now broadcast between 7pm and 7:30pm every Saturday on TVB Jade.

The presentation ceremony draws large crowds in Causeway Bay

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