Another successful PMP Job Attachment

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The Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) Job Attachment for this summer came to a successful conclusion with a visit to Traffic Hong Kong Island (T HKI) on October 14.

Officiating at the ceremony were PMP's Head Mentor, Chief Superintendent Chung Hung-fung, and Deputy Head Mentor, Chief Superintendent Ng Tsui Fung-ying.

Since its inception in 2007, the PMP Job Attachment is held every summer to provide a platform for police mentees to obtain work experience in the fields of their studies, and at the same time appreciate the work of police officers. This summer, 47 mentees took part in 42 projects at different police units, performing tasks related to research and survey, organisation of activities, and information technology.

The programme gave the mentees a valuable opportunity to attach to different police formations and assist in carrying out special projects during the summer holidays. Participation in daily police jobs enabled them to get a better understanding of the Force, benefitting their capability and potential. This kind of experience would be invaluable to them whether they join the Force or take up other jobs after graduation.

The programme owes its success to the support of the formations involved and the Police Mentors. The Recruitment Division, which organised the attachment programme, hopes the programme will continue to contribute to developing and enhancing the potential of the mentees.

The job attachment gave the mentees and the Project Officers plenty of memorable moments and inspiration. Nicola Leung, a mentee from the Open University of Hong Kong, who had conducted a research to improve the services provided at the public counters in the Police Licensing Office, said she had learned how to cope with difficult situations and control her emotions under stress.

Executive Officer (Licensing) Mike Wu, a Project Officer, is very impressed with Nicola's enthusiasm, creativity, and problem-solving skills, and thanked her for successfully completing the research project.

Another mentee from the Polytechnic University, Anson Yik, said she was able to apply her IT knowledge when she worked in Crime Headquarters of New Territories South (NTS) to review the formation's website and the PowerPoint package. She reckoned communication and teamwork are the crucial factors for the success of police work.

Another Project Officer, Senior Inspector Stephen Cheng of Crime NTS, described Anson as a cheerful and out-going young lady as well as an able worker, never hesitate to ask for advice from police officers when coming across difficulties.

The job attachment closing ceremony was made possible with the full support of T HKI, which had arranged a familiarisation tour for the mentees and showed them new models of police motorcycles, protective jackets and various speed detection devices. Special thanks also went to T HKI Senior Superintendent Wise Choy, who gave a briefing to the mentees on the traffic situation on Hong Kong Island, traffic policies and the tactics for policing public order events. Some of the mentees noted that the visit aroused their interest in traffic job.

Exhibition boards highlighting the achievements of the PMP Job Attachment and the mentees' memorable moments during their attachment are displayed outside the Force Library in Arsenal House. Force members are welcome to visit the exhibition and give their views to

Police Mentees get a better idea of traffic job at Traffic Hong Kong Island as their Job Attachment Programme comes to a successful conclusion

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