Officers have fruitful visit to Shanghai PSB

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Four Chief Inspectors (CIPs), Chan Fung-ling and Lo Kam-tim from Police College, Cheng Kwok-keung from Commercial Crime Bureau, and Suen Suet-ying from Narcotics Kowloon West, visited Shanghai under the Training Exchange Programme with the Shanghai Public Security Bureau (PSB) in October 2009.

The main objective of the visit was enabling the CIPs to gain first-hand experience of the latest socio-economic developments in Shanghai, and a better idea of the organisational structures and daily operations of the police units of the metropolis. The visit also aimed at furthering the co-operation in law enforcement and professional exchange between the Force and the Shanghai PSB.

Since the launch of the Training Exchange Programme in 2005, the number of officers attending the programme each year increased from two in 2005 to four in the subsequent years. This year, the number of trainees remained four from each side.

During the two-week tour, the four CIPs visited the various units of the Shanghai PSB to observe their personnel training. They also visited crime investigation branches and met directors and commanders to learn their tactics of combatting various types of crimes. The officers were impressed with the developments in Shanghai and the efforts of the Shanghai police to enhance personnel training and services.

The CIPs and Shanghai officers had fruitful exchanges and interaction in various aspects of police work, with the latter sharing their work experience during question and answer sessions.

After returning to Hong Kong in October, the four CIPs later played host to four trainees from Shanghai and had an experience sharing session with them. The Training Exchange Programme this year has further strengthened the ties between Shanghai and Hong Kong, broadened the CIPs' horizons, and enriched their professional knowledge of policing.

The four Chief Inspectors at a Commander Centre of the Shanghai Public Security Bureau

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