Update on LTV
video-clip contest

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The video-clip competition on the Living-the-Values (LTV) Wave VII Workshop, which features "Professionalism in the Changing World" as a theme, has attracted the participation of 20 teams comprising about 200 officers at the ranks of Superintendent, Inspectorate and Junior Police Officer from Regions, Formations and units, including auxiliary officers.

On November 5, the participating teams attended a briefing session, jointly held by Service Quality Wing (SQW),and Learning Development Support Centre of Police College, on the focus and related Force values under the theme of "Professionalism".

The teams are expected to submit their entries before the end of this year in the hope their video clip would be selected for use in the training package on the LTV Wave VII Workshop. SQW will continue updating Force members on the competition until the formal launching of the first workshop in October next year.

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