CTCS enhances communication
efficiency and productivity

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Officers in New Territories North (NTN) Region now enjoy a seamless voice communications experience, following Communications Branch's deployment of a fully featured, highly scalable IP (Internet Protocol) Converged Telephone Communications System (CTCS).

The new system, which delivers a fully voice and data converged communications network to NTN Regional Headquarters and 11 police stations in the Region, makes internal and external communications highly effective.

The Force acquired the existing telephony systems in NTN Region in 1986. These systems only have connections with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) for telephony communications but none among telephone systems. Such system configuration would be seriously disrupted if there were any disaster or surge problem with the PSTN, e.g. during hoisting of a black rainstorm signal or Number 8 typhoon signal. Force users can be isolated from the problems caused by external parties as the CTCS rides on dedicated police data network.

NTN as pioneer

The average age profile of the telephone systems of NTN Region lies on the high side and NTN is thus very suitable to be the pilot region to roll out the CTCS. The first system was rolled out in Pat Heung Station on May 23 and fully completed at the end of last month.

Enhancing communication efficiency

The new system consolidates multiple telephone systems into a single, centrally-managed, robust and reliable system which allows all users to share a consistent communications experience across all offices within the region, thanks to features such as voicemail, personal directory dialling, caller name display, extension dialling amongst NTN Regional Headquarters and police stations as all the telephone lines under the new system now share the same network and the first four digits, i.e. 3661. Users therefore now experience an increased level of convenience in their internal and external communications that greatly enhance communications efficiency between the public and the police and help take productivity to new heights.

Future-proofed system enhancement

The new system is future-proofing which can be easily enhanced and updated at a later stage. For example, it is capable of integrating fixed-line and mobile communications in a totally seamless manner. When a specific office number is called, for example, that extension owner's mobile phone will ring at the same time, enabling the user to take the call even if he or she is away from the desk or station. This, along with other unified communications applications - ranging from instant messaging, video conferencing, web conferencing, presence-enabled collaboration and computer-telephony integration - provides a huge boost to communications efficiency and productivity.

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