語文天地遊戲第七十四則 |
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英語短語動詞(phrasal verb)是由動詞加上介詞(preposition)或副詞(adverb)組成的短語,例如look after、turn down、run into等。今期特別介紹有關stand這個字的短語動詞。Stand這個字的簡單字義就是「站立」,但配用不同的介詞或副詞,便有完全不同的意思。 試在以下句子填上適當的介詞或副詞 (請參考提示): 1. He couldn't stand ____ because he was drunk. (in/up) 2. What do the initials HKSAR stand ____ ? (by/for) 3. She was so much better than the other students and stood ____ from the first day. (out/in) 4. I'll stand ____ you whatever happens. (down/by) 5. John stands ____ for the sick worker. (in/down) 6. He decided to stand ____ in favour of a younger candidate. (over/down) 7. Don't stand ____ me like that! I know how to do this now. (in/over) 8. I don't know what they do all day. They always just stand ____ looking for trouble. (for/around) 答案: 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 請一月六日前把答案連同姓名、職位、所屬單位及 聯絡電話,以派遞方式送交警政大樓三十四樓警察翻譯主任事務課收,封面請註明「語文天地」。每期得獎名額八個,每位得獎者可獲贈書券兩張(每張面值一百元)。如答對全部題目者超過八位,則以抽籤方式選出得獎者。如沒有參加者答對全部題目,則在答中最多題目的參加者中抽出得獎者。得獎者將於稍後時間由所屬單位頒發書券。查詢電話2860-8476。 上期答案︰ (1) d (2) k (3) g (4) I (5) l (6) j (7) a (8) c 經抽籤後,得獎者名單如下︰ 1) Leung Sui-fong CA, GR KWCDIV 2) 黃大仙警署證物室文書主任陳振中 3) Li Yau-sing SPC, EU KE 4) 商罪科文書助理高均平 5) Chan Sai-kit ACO, GR NTS RHQ 6) Chan Suk-how CA, GR WTSDIST 7) Chan Kwok-lai PTR I, PTR I HKI 8) 服務質素監察部助理文書主任趙美霞
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