KW film on financial management premiered |
"Rise of Phoenix", a film on financial management produced by the Kowloon West (KW) Prudent Financial Management Working Team, was premiered at the prize presentation ceremony of the Prudent Financial Management Slogan Design Competition held at KW Regional Headquarters on March 8. The presentation ceremony also featured an exhibition of film photos and prize-winning slogans. The "Canton Road 627 Studio", which was formed in 2006 by several police officers sharing a common interest, gave valuable assistance for production of the 30-minute film, at the request of the working team, which hoped the film would help promote prudent financial management among officers. It has taken a 40-member crew, entirely comprising police volunteers, over half a year to produce "Rise of Phoenix". Since its establishment, "Canton Road 627 Studio" has had 20 productions to its credit. "Rise of Phoenix" is one of its major productions, expounding a serious issue with a light-hearted approach. The film was well received by the audience, and it will be shown to all Kowloon West officers on their upcoming Training Day. The slogan design competition was organised by the working team with funding from the Police Staff Motivation Scheme administered by the Service Quality Wing. Thirteen winners picked among 200 entries received their prizes from Kowloon West Regional Commander Fan Sik-ming. |
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