Officers have fruitful attachment in Canada |
Chief Inspector Ho Chun-chung and Woman Senior Inspector (WSIP) Choi Nga-wing, both from Liaison Bureau (LB), as well as Senior Inspector Tom Phillipson from Crime Wing Headquarters were attached to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in Ottawa and the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) from March 22 to 26. Fruitful exchanges
During the attachment, the officers shared anti-crime and anti-vice strategies, as well as good practices in international police co-operation with their hosts. After paying a courtesy call on VPD's Chief Constable, Mr Jim Chu, the officers visited the Diversity and Aboriginal Policing Section, which works with populations identified by cultural, economic, ethnic, sexual, racial or religious characteristics that are significant public safety issues. The Force delegates had in-depth discussions on anti-crime and anti-vice strategies with officers of the RCMP Asian Probe Team and the VPD Anti-Vice Squad. They also went outdoors to observe how officers conducted raids on vice establishments. In Ottawa, the delegates visited the RCMP Headquarters, INTERPOL Ottawa and the Canadian Police College. Said WSIP Choi of this visit: "The visit was a fruitful one. We were impressed with the computer system being used by INTERPOL Ottawa. We will definitely apply their experience in developing LB's Electronic Liaison Intelligence Timely Enquiry System (ELITES) which aims at enhancing the services provided to frontline officers regarding international police co-operation." ELITES is an IT project initiated by LB to facilitate international and cross-boundary investigations. It is an electronic investigative enquiry system, interfaced with the Communal Information System, which enables frontline units to refer to LB their requests for assistance by overseas or Mainland law enforcement agencies. LB and Information Systems Wing are engaging frontline users in the design of the system. It is projected that ELITES will be rolled out in 2011/2012. International co-operation is crucial
Before concluding their attachment, the officers paid a courtesy call on RCMP's Director General of International Policing, Ms Barbara Fleury. Ms Fleury told her guests: "In today's increasingly sophisticated and global policing environment, international collaboration and co-operation are crucial if law enforcement is to achieve any degree of success." Ms Fleury said she was pleased that the RCMP and the Force had forged a good relationship, and hoped that the partnership and co-operation between the two sides would be further strengthened.
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