Officers show talents for preventing complaints |
Ten teams of officers illustrated the ways and means to prevent complaints from the public by singing, staging dramas and pantomimes, and showing animation and videos at the Police Headquarters Auditorium on March 26. The teams were taking part in the final-cum-prize presentation of the "Police's Got Talent" Contest which was launched by the Complaints Prevention Committee (CPC) in November last year. They took the stage to compete for the Perfect Stage Performance Award and the Most Popular Award after Director of Management Services Tang How-kong gave a welcoming speech and the Merit Award, Outstanding Award and Most Entries Formation Award were presented. The ten finalists came from Patrol Sub-unit 3 of Tsing Yi Division, 'Alpha Day' of Police Tactical Unit New Territories South (NTS), Traffic NTS, Kwai Tsing District, "F" Band of Police Pop Music Club, Small Boats Division Team 2, Emergency Unit (EU) NTS, EU Kowloon West, EU NTN Headquarters and Octans Volunteer Team of Marine Port District. All their performances were creative and effective in disseminating the theme of the contest: "More Understanding, Better Communication, Less Complaint". A seven-member adjudication panel was tasked with the job of selecting the winner of the Perfect Stage Performance Award, while about 200 representatives from Major Formations and Branches picked the winner of the Most Popular Award by "on-site" voting with an electronic scoring system. The panel members and representatives were so impressed with Traffic NTS' drama, "A Wok of Complaints", that they selected it as winner of both awards. The drama showed "Ms Complaint" advised Brother "So What" on how to prevent unnecessary complaints through cooking. The adjudication panel comprised Assistant Commissioner (Service Quality) Wong Fook-chuen, Complaints and Internal Investigations Branch Acting Chief Superintendent Chung Siu-yeung, CPC Chairman Superintendent Ma Shun-kwong, Deputy Director of Music Band Chief Inspector Leung Bo-kun, a member of the Independent Police Complaints Council, Dr Lawrence Lam Chi-kit, RTHK producer Mak Chun-kong, and well-known singer Jade Kwan. During phase I of the adjudication, 10 teams were short-listed as finalists for the Outstanding Award, as well as 12 other teams for the Merit Award. In addition, NTS Region was picked as winner of the Most Entries Formation Award; EU NTN HQ, winner of the Most Creative Award; and EU KW, winner of the Best Theme Interpretation Award. The CPC was formed in 1992 as part of the Force's initiatives to reduce preventable complaints. It organises large-scale campaigns to promote complaints prevention on a regular basis. In 2006/07, the CPC Training Video Competition was well received by formations as "the Oscar in the Force". In 2007/08, the CPC Lyric Writing and Song Composing Contest was also very successful. List of 10 finalists and their awards
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