Tai Po has first Auxiliary Village Patrol Team |
There are many villages in Tai Po District and many of them are located in remote areas. In a bid to boost contacts with villagers and to combat crime in rural areas, eight Auxiliary Police officers of the district are poised to join their regular counterparts in patrolling villages, after receiving intensive training at Auxiliary Police Headquarters. On a Familiarisation Day organised by the Task Force of Tai Po Division (TPDIV) on April 4, TPDIV Assistant Divisional Commander (AUX) Jockey Wan and TPDIV Assistant Training and Staff Relations Officer (AUX) Brian Liu visited the newly formed Auxiliary Village Patrol Team and briefed Tai Po District Council member and Village Representative of She Shan Tsuen, Mr Chan Cho-leung, on the patrol team's roles. Mr Chan said he was delighted with the additional services for rural areas. He emphasised that though Lam Tsuen has always been a safe place, anything that can enhance the existing security of various villages is welcome. Geared
up to take on another challenging job |
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