PSG looks for artworks for Art and Wisdom Series

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To enhance Force members' mental health, the Psychological Services Group (PSG) is promoting "Balancing, Engaging and Mindfulness" as the theme of its mental health promotion campaign.

"Balancing" highlights the importance of striking a balance between work and other domains in life; "Engaging" means being totally absorbed and involved in different aspects in life; and being "Mindful" refers to becoming more aware of body response to stress, strength and weakness.

The PSG is initiating a new series, "Art and Wisdom", in OffBeat to illustrate that one could achieve "Balancing, Engaging and Mindfulness" with the wisdom derived from art.

In the coming issues of OffBeat, members of various art clubs will share their artworks and experience of how the works could inspire their wisdom of life.

The PSG invites Force members to submit their artworks, including photography, paintings or comics, (with a short description), that could demonstrate the theme of "Engaged life, Balanced life, Mindful life". The selected artworks will be published in OffBeat.

The submission period ends on July 23.

Submission method: PEN to or by mail to PSG office at 111 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay.

The PSG will present a souvenir to all selected artworks as a token of its appreciation.

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