Knowledge Cafe update on domestic violence

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The Force takes a serious view of the problems of domestic violence (DV) and spares no efforts in enhancing frontline officers' professionalism in handling DV cases.  In this connection, the Child Protection Policy Unit (CPPU) of Crime Wing, together with Police College Research Centre and the Force Knowledge Management (KM) Peer Advisers Scheme (PAS), held a Knowledge Cafe session on May 4, with a view to enhancing officers' understanding of the Force policy on and procedures of handling DV related matters.

The topics covered by the speaker, CPPU Woman Chief Inspector Chiu Sau-mee, included the Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance, Classification of DV Cases, Victim Management, One-Family-One-Team Principle, Designated Domestic Violence Investigation Units, and Enhanced Central Domestic Violence Database.

This sharing session was followed by an exchange of experiences and ideas of how to handle DV cases. The session was well received by the 80 attending officers.

The materials presented at the Knowledge Cafe session have been uploaded onto the KM database for access by officers. For enquiries about domestic violence, contact CPPU Senior Inspector Chow Kwok-kee on 2860-2578.

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