Action plan implemented to tackle illegal bookmaking

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The Working Group set up by Crime Wing Headquarters to combat illegal soccer bookmaking during the forthcoming World Cup tournament has launched a series of publicity and education activities.
Co-ordinated by Organised Crime and Triad Bureau (OCTB), the Working Group comprises representatives from Criminal Intelligence Bureau, Financial Investigations Division of Narcotics Bureau, Technology Crime Division of Commercial Crime Bureau, Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB), Police Public Relations Branch (PPRB) and all Regions. The Working Group thrashed out its action plan with a four-pronged approach comprising prevention, education, intelligence collection and enforcement.

For its publicity programme, the Working Group has come up with a slogan - "You Can Still Enjoy the World Cup Without Illegal Betting". It is using posters and banners to drive the slogan home to the general public. These publicity materials also list a hotline for reporting illegal soccer bookmaking and the penalties for such offences.

PPRB has also produced a special episode for the TV "Police Report", explaining the provisions of the Gambling Ordinance. The episode has been uploaded onto the Police Webpage.

To tackle illegal soccer bookmaking that has been prevalent on the Internet and in restaurants in recent years, the Working Group has also come up with specific measures. To target Internet gambling, it posted messages on popular websites. This initiative was the result of co-operation with the Home Affairs Department and the Ping Wo Fund, a unit financed by the Government and the Hong Kong Jockey Club to address the problems of pathological gambling.

To deal with illegal bookmaking in restaurants, CPB has designed and produced menu sleeves for display in restaurants' menu stands. In addition, the Working Group has made publicity materials available to all Regions to support their own publicity and education programmes.

The Working Group Chairman, OCTB Superintendent (SP) Man Tat-shing pointed out that the Working Group adopted the "multi-agency and multi-department" approaches for publicity and education programmes, and worked closely with the Home Affairs Department and the Ping Wo Fund with a view to combatting illegal soccer gambling activities effectively.

SP Man also took the opportunity to remind all members of the Force not to indulge in gambling.

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