Officers told to serve with
fairness and impartiality

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Police officers would gain recognition and respect from the community if they discharged their duties impartially, fairly and honestly, the Chairman of the Independent Police Complaints Council (IPCC), Mr Jat Sew-tong, said on May 22 when he inspected a passing-out parade on the Hong Kong Police College campus at Wong Chuk Hang.

"Police shoulder the mission to uphold law and order, and protect life and property. So you cannot step back even when you encounter stress and challenges," he told the officers on the parade.

Mr Jat went on to say that with the developments in Hong Kong, there were rising public expectations of police performance and conduct, putting pressure on frontline officers.

"Nevertheless, all Police Force members, irrespective of experienced officers or new blood, have impressed me that they are professional, outstanding, upright and responsible, and have a passion for work," he noted.

Mr Jat pointed out that the graduating officers might encounter difficulties when they discharged their duties on the frontline, such as facing tough demands and blames from the public while enforcing the law.

He reminded the graduates, while carrying out their duties in accordance with the law, to be patient, compassionate and considerate so as to avoid unnecessary conflict and to ensure their duties will be discharged smoothly.

One of the IPCC's functions, Mr Jat continued, is to provide suggestions on improvement if any police practices or procedures that might lead to complaints were identified.

"This is in line with the Force values, which are to strive for excellence and continuous improvement," he noted, adding that only a quality Police Force deserved citizens' high expectations.

Taking part in the parade were 38 probationary inspectors and 206 recruit police constables.

Mr Jat inspecting 38 probationary inspectors and 206 recruit police constables on the parade

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