Officers explore Islamic culture

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With "Knowing Islam" as the first topic of its cultural expedition, the Hong Kong Police World Cultures Club (WCC) organised two seminars on the Islamic culture and religion and a visit to the Mosque in Wan Chai in April and May.
At the invitation of the WCC, a part-time lecturer of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies of the Chinese University and the Hong Kong University SPACE, Dr Andy Yu, gave a presentation on various aspects of Islam, including historical developments, major personalities, religious beliefs, laws, social life, economy, and politics.

The participants generally felt Dr Yu's presentation was both objective and convincing. A Muslim participant took the view that the seminar would also enhance the understanding between the Police and the Muslim community in Hong Kong.

During the visit to the Mosque in Wan Chai, the Chairman of the Islamic Union of Hong Hong, Mr A. R. Suffiad, and Imam Uthman Yang of Masjid Ammar and Osman Ramju Sadick Islamic Centre introduced the Islamic culture. After a question-and-answer session, the participants said they would be able to avoid misunderstanding whilst coming into contact with the Muslim community.

At a lunch at the Islamic Centre, the participants had a fruitful conversation on police life, hobbies and interests, languages, the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) community in Hong Kong, and the marriages of people with different backgrounds.

The visit concluded in a solemn moment when all attended the "ZUHR" - the early afternoon prayer - at the Mosque. An Executive Officer commented that the visit changed her perception of the religion, while an Inspector saw the visit as a good lesson on NEC policing.

Dr Yu's talk covers various aspects of Islam

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