Officers attend training course in Shanghai

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A well-known higher institution funded by the Central Government, the China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong (CELAP) provides tailor-made training programmes for senior Central Government officials, as well as top executives and professionals from the business sectors.

Attending the 11-day course for the 9th Intake in May were 24 officers at intermediate and senior levels from the Force, Customs and Excise Department, Immigration Department, Independent Commission Against Corruption and Civil Aid Service. Among them were seven Force members led by Yau Tsim District Commander Lau Yip-shing. To underscore the significance of the course, the CELAP specially arranged Mainland academics from different fields to lecture and share their professional knowledge and experience with course members.

To signify the importance the Force has attached to the course, Deputy Commissioner (Management) Lee Ka-chiu visited the CELAP and inaugurated the training course on behalf of all Hong Kong Disciplined Services. Mr Lee encouraged course members to take full advantage of the course and apply what they would learn in their jobs, in the interest of Hong Kong's stability and development, as well as the "One country, Two systems" policy.

The training course's main themes were "Development in Science, China in Harmony" and “Practice of One Country, Two Systems and Rule of Law on the Mainland and Hong Kong".

Under the themes, nine thematic talks, three on-site lectures, two group seminars, and two forums were tailor-made for course members. The CELAP also arranged for the members to visit the World Expo Zone where they appreciated the Mainland's opening up and reforms, as well as urban developments.

When the course came to a successful conclusion on May 18, course members gained a better understanding of the achievements the Mainland made on many fronts over the past 30 years as a result of the Central Government’s Opening-up Policy.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the course, Director of Personnel and Training Tang Hau-sing pointed out that "studying national policies has always been a significant part of the Force’s training for middle and senior leaders." He reminded course members to make good use of what they had learned and work hard for the developments of Hong Kong and the Mainland.

Force members take time out of their busy training schedules to sample the latest developments in Shanghai

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