Auxies bent on keeping fit

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To promote physical fitness and health management amongst auxiliary police officers and to help them cope with an increasing workload, the Auxiliary Police Commandant has designed promotion of physical and mental health as one of his Strategic Action Plans.

As a result, qualified instructors are teaching physical fitness exercises, such as warming-up, jogging, and aerobic exercise, at Auxiliary Police Headquarters from 8:30 am to 9:15 am every day. All officers, including civilian staff, are welcome to join.

The Commandant has also appointed a committee to look into how to enhance understanding of physical fitness and health management amongst his officers. To start with, the committee invited experts to assist in producing a booklet called Healthy Life Management. The booklet contains sports management, nutrition management, stress management, personal exercise record, and healthy diet record.  Every auxiliary police officer will be issued with a copy to record their daily exercises and physical condition as a reference for promoting their physical fitness and health management.

The auxiliary police officers from Sau Mau Ping District were the first to receive the booklet when they attended their seven-day Annual Continuous Training from May 2 to 8.

On May 7, the Commandant and senior officers officiated at a ceremony at Auxiliary Police Headquarters to mark the start of the health campaign.

Auxies' health campaign starts with a bang at their Headquarters

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