DTD strives to enhance detective training |
The two focus groups set up in 2009 by Detective Training Division (DTD) are providing DTD with very useful and highly relevant feedback to ensure that training equips investigators bound for or working in frontline Uniform Branch units, District Special Duties Squads (DSDS) and crime units with up-to-date and professional skills. According to DTD's officer in charge, Woman Superintendent (WSP) Pang Mo-yin, the Crime Managers Focus Group and the DTD Alumni Focus Group give frontline investigators a face-to-face opportunity to share their experience with DTD instructors. This enables DTD to incorporate the lessons learned into lectures and practical exercises. WSP Pang noted: "As DTD will significantly increase its training throughput from 1,200 officers per year to 2,200 in the coming years, the feedback from these new focus groups will become increasingly important when reviewing the contents of DTD training courses." The Crime Managers Focus Group includes a Chief Inspector from each Region and Crime Wing and meets DTD staff twice a year to discuss frontline Crime Managers' views on the effectiveness of DTD training and the standard of graduates in putting their training into practice. "The feedback these experienced Crime Managers provide is very helpful in identifying training gaps and allows us to update them on the curriculum changes we have introduced." Focus group member Chief Inspector Wong Kwok-kit of Crime Wing Headquarters commented: "The Crime Managers Focus Group is an ideal platform for Crime Managers to exchange views on how to further enhance the training provided by DTD and the professionalism of its graduates. It also serves as an effective liaison network facilitating communication amongst the Police College, Crime Wing and the six Regions on matters related to detective training." Members of the DTD Alumni Focus Group are drawn from the Inspectors, Sergeants and Constables who have graduated from one of the four major training courses run by DTD. They meet DTD staff twice a year to provide views on the practicality and adequacy of the training they received. Recently, Police College Director Kevin Woods presented letters of appointment to new members of the DTD Alumni Focus Group as well as letters of appreciation to outgoing members in recognition of their contributions in the past year. At the reception that followed, Mr Woods said: "I was very pleased to learn how positive the alumni are about this new Focus Group initiative. We need input from frontline staff and their managers after DTD graduates have put their training into practice to ensure that the training DTD provides is up-to-date, useful and relevant to their work." According to Alumni member Woman Inspector (WIP) Lam Sze-yi of Kowloon City District Crime Squad, the Alumni Focus Group provides an excellent avenue for frontline officers to reflect views on their training needs directly to DTD. "Having frontline officers involved in the process of designing course contents will enhance the usefulness of DTD courses," WIP Lam noted. Police Constable Lee Chun-kit of the Kwai Tsing District Investigation Team 5 has volunteered to join the DTD Alumni Focus Group. At the Alumni's reception, he described the focus group as "a very positive initiative" enhancing the communication between DTD and frontline crime officers. DTD training courses
DTD is providing the following
training courses:(1) Basic Investigation Course (BIC) - a one-week course on basic investigation techniques for Uniform Branch officers; (2) District Special Duties Squad Course (DSDSC) - a one-week course on handling vice, drugs and gambling investigations for officers who will be posted to DSDS. Completion of BIC is a prerequisite for DSDSC; (3) Standard Criminal Investigation Course (SCIC) - a comprehensive nine-week criminal investigation course for officers suitable for appointment or being posted to District or Divisional crime units; and (4) Advanced Criminal Investigation Course (ACIC) - a three-week course for officers considered for posting to Crime Wing, Regional or District units. DTD also provides regular and ad hoc training on crime topics and investigation to other Force members, such as Recruit Police Constables, Probationary Inspectors, School Liaison Officers, Traffic officers, Complaints Against Police Office officers and staff from other government departments. Officers from the Public Security Bureau on the Mainland have also attended training at DTD.
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