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With the arrangement made by Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB), over 70 crime prevention officers from regional units and CPB had a fruitful discussion with Housing Department (HD) officers on May 25 on the use of mobile CCTV system to deter and detect cases of objects falling from height. Held in the Police Headquarters Auditorium, the event was part of CPB's regular series of presentations to enhance the professionalism of crime prevention officers. Exchanging their views on the mobile CCTV system with HD Senior Building Services Engineers, the officers were interested in the system's sophistication and use of Motion Detection technology to detect cases. With the technology, a falling object will trigger an alarm and a text message, which will then be sent to the Housing Manager on duty. In addition to this feature, the system uses advanced technology to provide high definition images and continuous recording of the areas under surveillance. The officers learned that although the system is described as "mobile", the reality is once installed at a black-spot location, it stays in position for several months. The system is being used not only to deal with cases of falling objects but also other nuisance offences such as gambling and smoking in the prohibited areas at public housing estates. Thanking HD officials for attending this sharing-session, CPB Superintendent Mark Medwecki said the officers had gained an insight into the application of technology in a real scenario.
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